Extremists are unable to process satire and metaphor.
I make these images as a citizen who is frustrated by stupid.
"The half-life of stupid has been grossly underestimated."
Do yourself a favor and watch The Interview. Pretty damned funny. And remember that the North Korean response to this satire was to launch a cyber-attack on an American company and threaten to bomb theaters that showed it and personally threaten employees at Sony. What? Can't take a joke?
I make these images as a citizen who is frustrated by stupid.
"The half-life of stupid has been grossly underestimated."
Do yourself a favor and watch The Interview. Pretty damned funny. And remember that the North Korean response to this satire was to launch a cyber-attack on an American company and threaten to bomb theaters that showed it and personally threaten employees at Sony. What? Can't take a joke?
Charlie Hebdo is another sad example:
Glenn Beck denies Climate Change
"Cimate Change Denier" with apologies to Pink Floyd.
Ted Nugent defends his masculinity, Frank Zappa defends the Constitution
Pepper-spraying cop versus Occupy Movement
"Stupidus Atomicus" with apologies to Halsman and Dali
Self-explanatory, donated to the Women's March
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's Plan
collection of David Mesple'
Spam carving contest winner!
"The Lost Supper"
Mascot for the Iraq war, "Baby"
"Baby", life sized skinned hyena sculpted out of tar,
w veteran Casey Sheehan's dog tags tangled around its feet,
whose mother became a vigorous anti-war protestor after his death.
Uniform for the Tea Party
"Restoring Horror" life-size Grand Wizard uniform made of 100% tea bag material.
Here's the label on each of 414 tea bags:
Guarding Christian values requires this?
"Focus on the Family", SKS assault rifle and religious paraphernalia.
Fundamentalist Rev. Donald Spitz, organizer of the Army of God (www.armyofgod.com),
applauds the murderers of physicians, clinic workers and secretaries. He rails against
applauds the murderers of physicians, clinic workers and secretaries. He rails against
"filthy faggots" and "lesbos." Islam is "Satanic," Arabs are "Rag-Heads," and Muslims
"should not be allowed to live in the United States." He describes New York City as a "sex perverted cesspool" that richly deserved September 11”. He applauds the
Rev. Matthew Trewhella, who called on churches to form armed militias to defend Fundamentalist values, telling congregants to do "the most loving thing by
buying their children an SKS rifle and 500 rounds of ammunition". The assault rifle displayed
is a modified SKS.
Rev. Matthew Trewhella, who called on churches to form armed militias to defend Fundamentalist values, telling congregants to do "the most loving thing by
buying their children an SKS rifle and 500 rounds of ammunition". The assault rifle displayed
is a modified SKS.
Scores of violent individuals, saying they are called to their “work” directly by God,
describe themselves as members of the Army of God: James Kopp, was convicted for
the shooting murder of Dr. Slepian through a kitchen window in 1998. “Olympic bomber” Eric Rudolph killed Alice Hawthorne and wounded her daughter and 109 others with
3 pipe bombs during the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta. He also killed a policeman and blinded
a nurse at a Birmingham women’s clinic thus making the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted list.
He is lauded by the Army of God website. “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my
a nurse at a Birmingham women’s clinic thus making the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted list.
He is lauded by the Army of God website. “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my
course. I have kept the faith”.
(with apologies to Correggio)
Social Media cripples!
Fake Faux News
"Benghazi Ben"
"Post-Modern Dilemma"
A real man's real woman?
"Pissed" toner and wolf urine as watercolor, 40" x 60"